New event!


Update 31/10/16

The Arena

Choose a sealed deck and fight other players. You don’t need to own the cards! Try new decks and even warlords, and earn better prizes the more you win

Time-limited event

Fight a demonic entity that keeps spawning monsters! Beat its dirty tricks to earn a new and spooky promo card

Update 10/10/16

The Knight

Unlock a new playable warlord, the Knight! With a powerful army of lords and alchemists, it is bound to disrupt the balance of power in Drakenlords

The legend of Kruhh

Rediscover “The Legend of Kruhh”, now as a full single-player adventure! Play through its 4 episodes, with guaranteed prizes in each of them!

Some balance changes

Some cards and active abilities have received balance changes
Read more

Update 10/09/16

The Druid's Potion

Discover the secrets of the Black Sky clan and its mysterious potion, and earn 9 brand new cards. Play the free Prologue now! Read more

New tutorial

Some balance changes

Some cards and active abilities have received balance changes
Read more

New competitive system

Climb the leaderboard and gain prizes at the end of each monthly season. Read more


Beat the achievements to get free Gems!

Update 25/07/16

Kruhh's Legacy

It’s not over yet. Kruhh’s commanders are back to hunt you down before you escape the Mausoleum! Only until 7th August

Get all the expansion cards now

All expansion cards can now be sold and bought individually.
Normal booster packs now include all expansion cards.
Collect them all!

Tournament results

We are pleased to announce that the winner of our Weekend Tournament is Maoslostsoul. Congratulations!
Let’s have also a big round of applause for Valcor for the second position. It was an exciting fight between them in the last hours. We would also like to congratulate all the players that competed throughout the weekend. We hope you enjoyed it!

Our next contest will be coming soon, stay tuned!

Update 24/06/16

The Legend of Kruhh

You finally face Kruhh, the Drakenlord! With 2 events and 15 new cards to collect!

Drakenlords just got better!

With lots of new animations, sound effects and lots of polish, the time has come for the appearance of the legendary Kruhh!

Update 18/05/16

Emserin, the Arcane Valley

A mist covers the valley of Emserin. There is talk of a mystical waterfall, a goddess, a power that makes water come alive. Maybe you should take that longer path…
New event, with 15 exclusive new cards, only until 2nd June!

New 'full deck' view in Deck menu

Embark on a quest to find a dragon, on a new single player campaign!

Update 22/04/16

Tohrr Edoh. The Blacksmith Army

The mysterious Kruhh has gained their favour and now they’re breaking off the Orc Horde to chase after you. You can defeat it untill 6 May!

New booster packs with unique army cards!

winds of change

An incredible power has devastated the earth, changing your minions beyond recognition. You will have to discover the cause to stop the caos.

new login menu!

Update 01/04/16

The Legend of Kruhh

A name has begun to stir panic across the land: Kruhh. The first expansion in Drakenlords has begun…

Larton, City of Vampires

Venture into the City and uncover who or what Kruhh is, and why The Governor has put a bigger prize on your head than on any other Warlord’s.

New events


During the Trials, a Dragon of Peace, mightier than any other, raised amongst the rest. Now she only brings doom to this cruel world beyond saving.

Destroy her before 12 February!

The Scar

Hordes of Undead are emerging from The Scar, a great rift in the South East. A great power hides in its depths. Will you make it yours?

update 25/01/16

Unlock the New Mines and gain more gems!

A Warlord needs wealth to remain ahead of the rest. Your spies tell you of a gems mine hidden in the mountains. You march on to claim it.


New ranking system ELO. What´s your level? Play and gain gems with your victories!


Drakenlords in Google Play

Working on iOS version!

Launch ceremony in "Las DAU" Game Fair, Barcelona

Sunday 13 December. Drakenlords development team present the game in Fabra i Coats Fabric.

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